campus on the go....

What it Looks Like Inside a Dorm Room, Suite, and Other Campus Living Choices


Students in Africa live in all types of arrangements – on campus and off campus, dorm rooms and apartments, alone and with roommates. Earlier this year Ify a Nigeria student discussed how she chose between all the possibilities, but which one would you choose? Here are a look at all the different types of housing our students live in, and what each one is like.

Ify sharing a room with friends:

 I am living off campus (we call it “off camp”  because we use “Hostels built by Individuals ” instead of “campus hostel”…). We three girls rent this house. this picture taken outside of my house with my housemates a while we were on our way to the campus. 

Faith on Campus- but appartment style.

"I live in ‘Auchi’ which is  a huge community of many separate blocks of individual self-contained apartments. We live on campus so it is polytechnic housing, which is allocated to me. immediately i got admitted into the institution, and was placed with 7 other girls. Our apartment has bunk, beds

  with two of us in each. It is my first time sharing a room, which was quite daunting at first but myself and my roommate are good friends now!
It’s not the most attractive spot so here’s another picture of the view if you walk about 1 minute away from my apartment. This is the back of Fraternity Row.
Emannuel-The traditional dorm experience:

That is a picture of my room, with lots of bunk beds, shared among several students, while some manage the matresses on the floor.
Is really a very strange ordeal  the traditional experience on campus....

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